Saturday, June 16, 2007

Oh my goodness, that looks just like...

Hey Thunder Bay people (and TB alumni), here's a picture of a poster in the Education Library computer lab at the University of Alberta. Post a comment on who you think this looks like. I'm curious to see if others are thinking what I'm thinking (click it to enlarge).


Anonymous said...

Ok. I'll bite. What Tbayer does this guy resemeble?

RA said...

Is this Alex (aka Jason) Matheson from Toastmasters fame writing??

As for the mystery photo, I'm going to let more people guess. Hint: it isn't anyone famous. Just someone connected with the church groups I've belonged to.

Anonymous said...

Indeed is the Alex/Jason of which you speak.

And no fair about the hint. It was after I quited Thunder Bay that I was saved and thus have 0 knowledge of your church groups.

RA said...

Wow, tell me more Alex... My email link is on my profile page.