Monday, February 21, 2005

Back in B.C.

My one-week journey to the Old Country of my ancestors was short and sweet. I'm reminded that I have lost my sense of tourism, and am confirmed in purposeful travel. Seeing Scott and Brian was both purposeful and refreshing.

One highlight of the trip was Brian's and my visit to the Eagle and Child -- C.S. Lewis' and J.R.R. Tolkien's old watering hole in Oxford. It was here that Brian coined the phrase "One Pint Sermon": while I spoke, Brian finished his pint of Guiness. Try looking the term up on Google -- it's an original!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Maiden blog - Oxford, UK

I'm in Oxford visiting Brian my buddy during my reading break. Arrived here last night after 3 days in Cheltenham visiting Scott. What a great visit, rediscovering my roots on many different levels. What a pilgrimage!